Prezentacija kulturno-istorijske baštine

Primarna delatnost Tima su organizovanje i prezentacija kulturno-istorijske baštine na teritoriji grada Niša u formi turističkih razgleda. Osim ovim aktivnostima, Tim se bavi identifikovanjem i plasiranjem manje poznatih kulturno-istorijskih tema, kao potencijalnih turističkih proizvoda koji doprinose turističkoj autentičnosti Niša i drugih gradova centralne Srbije koji gravitiraju prema Univerzitetu u Nišu.

Jezgro Tima čini grupa naučnika sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u bavljenju kulturno-istorijskom baštinom, te usluge Tima predstavljaju idealnu kombinaciju naučnosti i atraktivne naracije.

Team for the presentation of cultural and historical heritage

The primary activity of the Team is the organization and presentation of cultural and historical heritage on the territory of the city of Niš in the form of guided tours. Apart from these activities, the Team deals with the identification and marketing of lesser-known cultural and historical topics, as potential tourist products that contribute to the touristic authenticity of Niš and other cities in central Serbia that gravitate towards the University of Niš.

The core of the Team consists of a group of scientists with many years of experience in dealing with cultural and historical heritage, hence the services of the Team represent an ideal combination of scientific approach and attractive narration.

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